Wear Next

Clare Press

GBR Anglicky Thames and Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd2023

Kniha: Wear Next - Clare Press
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Kniha: Wear Next

A crystal-ball look into tomorrow's wardrobe: conscious, fair, slow, upcycled, biointelligent, digital ... the fashion industry is undergoing some radical reimagining.What will you be wearing tomorrow? Will your jacket have been grown in a lab, or your jeans coloured using bacteria? How will you access that new shirt you've got your eye on? Will we still have shops? What does the future of work look like for the people who make our garments?The current fashion system is wasteful, environmentally harmful and exploitative. And, if we carry on as we do now, it could account for a quarter of global emissions by 2050. But creative thinkers are dreaming up new ways to craft our sartorial identities that don't wreck the planet.Vogue Australia's first sustainability editor, Clare Press, introduces us to the fascinating innovators who are redesigning fashion from the ground up and changing it in the most fundamental ways.'Wear Next is an exciting ode to a regenerative fashion future. To truly emerge from the current "planetary emergency", we need all hands on deck and convincing narratives for change across all sectors, and socio-economic-political systems. Through honest storytelling and real-world experiences, Clare Press does just that - and reminds us once again that we have the power to choose the future we want.' - Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome.

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Katalógové číslo
Wear Next
Clare Press
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
233 x 153 x 27
U dodávateľa
Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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