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Zaradené v kategórii Domov a záhrada
Chystáte sa stavať? Opravujete alebo rekonštruujete dom? Tak práve pre vás je určená ponuka titulov v tejto kategórii. Nájdete tu pomoc pri výbere projektu, stavbe, oprave, zabezpečení, zateplení a ďalších inováciách, rekonštrukciách a prestavbách.
Anglicky •2024•Todd Oldham,Kiera Coffee•Phaidon Press Ltd•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A comprehensive monograph exploring Alexander Girard’s vivid and dynamic design career viac »
Máme vo veľkosklade
Anglicky •2024•Alexis Walker•Rizzoli International Publications•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A chronicle of the pioneering and subversive brand Parachute and its influence on the evolution of fashion in the 1980s and beyond. From its beginning… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Ellie-Jean Royden•Quercus Publishing•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A beautifully illustrated guide to personal style, from social media sensation Ellie-Jean Royden. viac »
Anglicky •2024•Jessica Bumpus•Bonnier Books Ltd•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A stunning, handbag-sized visual history of one of the world's most iconic shoe designers. Discover the story of the renowned shoe designer who has a… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Oki Sato•Thames & Hudson Ltd•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A large-format book that uncovers the secrets behind Nendo’s unique creative process.He named his firm ‘Nendo’, the Japanese word for modelling clay;… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Jonny Trunk•FUEL Publishing•Dizajn a úpravy domov
Audio Erotica is a perfectly pitched visual anthem to home audio entertainment. Using sales brochures from the 1950-1980s, a symphony of graphic nosta… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Darla-Jane Gilroy,Emma Baxter-Wright,Karen Homer•Headline Publishing Group•Dizajn a úpravy domov
Four Little Books of Fashion, including Burberry, Chanel, Givenchy and Louis Vuitton. viac »
Anglicky •2024•Pentagram,Angus Hyland•Thames & Hudson Ltd•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A collection of 1000 symbols and logotypes designed by the Pentagram partners from 1972 to the present. The biggest part of what Pentagram has done fo… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Natasha A Fraser•Thames & Hudson Ltd•Dizajn a úpravy domov
The first book dedicated to Chanel makeup, published in collaboration with Chanel to celebrate the house’s inspiring story of makeup creation which be… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Josh Sims•Quercus Publishing•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A compact volume on the most fashion sportwear brand - a must-have for all sneaker fans and lovers of street style. viac »
Anglicky •2024•Elisa Cigna,Andrea Marcocci•Hoaki•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A comprehensive guide to constructing all kinds of bags including handmade technical drawing and digital patternmaking. This comprehensive guide to ha… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Counter-Print•Dizajn a úpravy domov
Discover how designers masterfully wield type as a tool for expression, pushing boundaries and defying conventions to create compelling narratives and… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Damiani•Dizajn a úpravy domov
For the first time, ALAÏA / GRÈS beyond fashion brings together 60 designs by Madame Grès and Azzedine Alaïa. Determined to a lifetime of seclusion sp… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Barbara Hulanicki,Martin Pel•Yale University Press•Dizajn a úpravy domov
Biba dominated London fashion from the mid-1960s, defining the dress and outlook of a generation. Celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of the opening… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Editions Flammarion•Dizajn a úpravy domov
Flowers in every form inspired fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, serving as a leitmotif in his work. His passion for plants manifested itself in co… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Josh Sims•Laurence King Publishing•Dizajn a úpravy domov
Behind nearly every item in the modern wardrobe is a first of its kind - the definitive item, often designed by a single company or brand for speciali… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Heide Christiansen,Martin Fraas•teNeues Publishing UK Ltd•Dizajn a úpravy domov
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of fashion and discover the impressive power of colours. The Red Book is a welcome addition to this ground-b… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Hannah Rogers•Ebury Publishing•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A beautifully illustrated guide on how to transform your everyday outfits, Gucci-style. Bring the defining principles of Gucci's style to your own war… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Skira•Dizajn a úpravy domov
The excellence of Italian design through 100 vases from the beginning of the last century to the present.What, if anything, sets an “Italian” vase apa… viac »
Anglicky •2024•Lauren Wager,Sophia Ahmad•Hoaki•Dizajn a úpravy domov
A stunning and inspiring new exploration of how color can be expressed through fashion. Color consultant and curator Lauren Wager, author of the best-… viac »