Islamic Design Workbook
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Kniha: Islamic Design Workbook
In this inventive interpretation of the popular colouring book concept, Islamic design expert Eric Broug helps readers to create their own patterns, based on compositions from across the Islamic world. The book opens up the world of intricate Islamic patterns, allowing artists, designers and doodlers alike to learn about these works of art as they produce their own. With 48 Islamic geometric compositions from around the world to choose from, artists at all skill levels will relish the myriad opportunities to replicate these intricate patterns or create their own. The workbook’s clever design invites the pattern-maker to consider a composition in the book, take a corresponding loose leaf from the back of the book and figure out which sections of lines to trace to make the composition. Readers will have the unique satisfaction of making patterns appear where previously none were visible. Compositions – including a mix of more familiar geometric compositions and those that have scarcely been documented – are categorized by region and have various levels of complexity, making it possible for beginners to get started and artists or designers to develop their skills.
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- Katalógové číslo
- 277249
- Druh tovaru
- Kniha
- 9780500292426
- Názov
- Islamic Design Workbook
- Autorstvo
- neuvedené
- Dostupnost
- Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
- Sadzba DPH
- 5,00 %
- Cena MOC
- 21,95 €
- Zľava
- 8,00 %
- Stav
- Máme vo veľkosklade
- Reg. číslo FPU
- (info len pre knižnice)
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