The Wedding Crasher

Mia Sosa

GBR Anglicky HarperCollins2022/07

Kniha: The Wedding Crasher - 1. vydanie - Mia Sosa
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Kniha: The Wedding Crasher

Just weeks away from ditching DC for greener pastures, Solange Pereira is roped into helping her wedding planner cousin on a random couple's big day. It's an easy gig... until Solange stumbles upon a situation that convinces her the pair isn't meant to be. What's a true-blue romantic to do? Crash the wedding, of course. And ensure the unsuspecting groom doesn't make the biggest mistake of his life.

Dean Chapman had his future all mapped out. He was about to check off "start a family" and on track to "make partner" when his modern day marriage of convenience went up in smoke. Then he learns he might not land an assignment that could be his ticket to a promotion unless he has a significant other and, in a moment of panic, Dean claims to be in love with the woman who crashed his wedding. Oops.

Now Dean has a whole new item on his to-do list: beg Solange to be his pretend girlfriend. Solange feels a tiny bit bad about ruining Dean's wedding, so she agrees to play along. Yet as they fake-date their way around town, what started as a performance for Dean's colleagues turns into a connection that neither he nor Solange can deny. Their entire romance is a sham... there's no way these polar opposites could fall in love for real, right?

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Katalógové číslo
The Wedding Crasher
1. vydanie
Mia Sosa
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U dodávateľa
Doručenie viac ako 18 dní
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