The Ice Dragon

George R. R. Martin

GBR Anglicky HarperCollins2022/06 Katalógové číslo: 433734

Vyexpedujeme do 7 dní
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Kniha: The Ice Dragon

An enchanting tale of courage and sacrifice by George R.R. Martin, author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the series that inspired HBO's Emmy Award-winning GAME OF THRONES. From ancient times the ice dragon was a creature of legend and fear, for no man had ever tamed one.But Adara was not afraid. For Adara was a winter child, born during the worst freeze that anyone, even the Old Ones, could remember. The ice dragon had always been in her life, glimpsed from afar as she played in the snow long after the other children had fled the cold.In her fourth year she touched it, and in her fifth year she rode upon its broad, chilled back. Then, in her seventh year, on a calm summer day, fiery dragons from the North swooped down upon the peaceful farm that was Adara's home. And only a winter child - and the ice dragon who loved her - could save her world from utter destruction.

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Katalógové číslo
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GBR Anglicky
The Ice Dragon
George R. R. Martin
Vyexpedujeme do 7 dní
1. vydanie
136 x 197
0,12 kg
Sadzba DPH
5,00 %
Cena MOC
11,95 €
8,00 %
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Reg. číslo FPU
(info len pre knižnice)

Ušetrite 2,80

Teraz oba tituly spolu len za 24,14

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George R. R. Martin

Predstavujeme: George R. R. Martin

George Raymond Richard Martin (* 20. september 1948, Bayonne, USA), skrátene George R. R. Martin je americký scenárista a spisovateľ fantasy, sci-fi a hororovej literatúry. Je autorom populárnej fanta viac...