A Man and His Watch: Iconic Watches and Stories from the Men Who Wore Them 

Matthew Hranek

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2017

Kniha: A Man and His Watch: Iconic Watches and Stories from the Men Who Wore Them  - Matthew Hranek
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Kniha: A Man and His Watch: Iconic Watches and Stories from the Men Who Wore Them 

Paul Newman wore his Daytona Rolex every single day for 35 years until his death in 2008. The iconic timepiece, probably the single most sought-after watch in the world, is now in the possession of his daughter Clea, who wears it every day in his memory. Franklin Roosevelt wore an elegant gold Tiffany watch, gifted to him by a friend on his birthday, to the famous Yalta Conference where he shook the hands of Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill. JFK's Omega worn to his presidential inauguration, Ralph Lauren's watch purchased from Andy Warhol's personal collection, Sir Edmund Hillary's Rolex worn during the first-ever summit of Mt. Everest...these and many more compose the stories of the world's most coveted watches captured in A Man and His Watch. Matthew Hranek, a watch collector and NYC men's style fixture, has travelled the world conducting firsthand interviews and diving into exclusive collections to gather the never-before- told stories of 76 watches, complete with stunning original photography of every single piece.
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Katalógové číslo
A Man and His Watch: Iconic Watches and Stories fr
Matthew Hranek
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
18.4 x 29.2 cm
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