London Estates: Modernist Council Housing 1946-1981

Thaddeus Zupancic

GBR Anglicky FUEL Publishing2024

Kniha: London Estates: Modernist Council Housing 1946-1981 - Thaddeus Zupancic
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Kniha: London Estates: Modernist Council Housing 1946-1981

The most comprehensive photographic document of London council estates, with fascinating images from all 32 London boroughs and the City, featuring some 275 estates built between 1946 and 1981.Why are some London council estates considered notorious, while others are arguably the most desirable places to live in the capital? As the most comprehensive photographic document of the London council estate, this book provides an insight, featuring some 275 estates from every borough and the City.London Estates features the first post-war housing in Paddington, Islington and Romford; the Modernist schemes in Finsbury, Bethnal Green, Poplar, Wandsworth, Camberwell and the Cities of London and Westminster; the acclaimed 1960s estates of Camden and Lambeth; and the lesser-known 1970s estates of Kingston, Haringey, Havering, Hillingdon and Tower Hamlets.There are designs from a broad range of architects including Denys Lasdun (Keeling House, Trevelyan House); Chamberlin, Powell & Bon (Golden Lane Estate), Erno Goldfinger (Balfron Tower, Trellick Tower); Basil Spence (Stock Orchard Estate, Tustin Estate), and Kate Macintosh (Dawson’s Heights).A huge range of architectural styles are represented – from prefabricated and ‘self-built’ schemes, to Modernist and brutalist designs, including over 30 protected historic buildings.This book celebrates London council estates in all their diversity, championing the neglected alongside the distinguished, honouring their immeasurable contribution to the social and architectural fabric of the capital.

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Katalógové číslo
London Estates: Modernist Council Housing 1946-198
Thaddeus Zupancic
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
160 x 200
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