Shakespeare's First Folio: All The Plays

William Shakespeare

GBR Anglicky Walker Books

Kniha: Shakespeare's First Folio: All The Plays - William Shakespeare
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Kniha: Shakespeare's First Folio: All The Plays

The first-ever illustrated children's edition of William Shakespeare's First Folio, published to celebrate its 400th anniversary – a sumptuous gift book to treasure for ever.Published in association with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Shakespeare's Plays is the first-ever illustrated children's edition of the First Folio, one of the greatest books ever published which celebrates its 400th anniversary in 2023. The sumptuously illustrated book, with luminous and detailed artwork by Emily Sutton, includes all 36 plays in the original volume, in the same order. The plays preserve Shakespeare's original dramatic language, but have been abridged so they can be performed by a minimum of eight children in under twenty minutes. The perfect accessible introduction to Shakespeare in his own words for a child, this is a very special gift book that will be returned to time and time again."What a lovely treasure! A wonderful introduction to Shakespeare's timeless plays." Greg Jenner, You're Dead to Me

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Katalógové číslo
Shakespeare's First Folio: All The Plays
William Shakespeare
Druh tovaru
246 x 189
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