You Are Next

Arne Dahl

GBR Anglicky Vintage

Kniha: You Are Next - Arne Dahl
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Kniha: You Are Next

A detective under arrest. A killer running free. A dark and gripping thriller set in the Stockholm Archipelago, from an international bestseller and Scandicrime star.Detective Inspector Sam Berger's life has been turned upside down. He is suspected of a murder and his partner, Secret Service agent, Molly Blom, is in a coma. Meanwhile, a terrorist attempt is threatening Stockholm and a wanted murderer is on the loose.Berger escapes to the Stockholm Archipelago while he waits for orders from the Swedish Security Service's chief executive. But is he the solution or is he part of the problem?'Arne Dahl is one of the true greats of Scandinavian crime fiction' MARK BILLINGHAM'Arne Dahl is possibly the most thoughtful and playful contemporary Nordic crime writer. He also happens to be one of the most thrilling.' IAN RANKIN'Brilliant visceral writing with terrific pace, this book grips you like a vice from the very first line and never lets you go' PETER JAMES'Arne Dahl has created a school of his own within the Swedish crime writing tradition.He combines global intrigue with intelligence, suspense, and genuine literary quality.' LARS KEPLER*The Berger and Blom series is being adapted for TV by the producers of Killing Eve*Arne Dahl has won the Ripper Award, the Best Swedish Crime Novel Award, the German Crime Fiction Award and the Danish Academy of Crime Writers' Award and shortlisted for the Glass Key and the CWA International Dagger.

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Katalógové číslo
You Are Next
Arne Dahl
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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Sadzba DPH

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