The Wolf-Girl, the Greeks and the Gods: a Tale of the Persian Wars

Tom Holland

GBR Anglicky Walker Books

Kniha: The Wolf-Girl, the Greeks and the Gods: a Tale of the Persian Wars - Tom Holland
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Kniha: The Wolf-Girl, the Greeks and the Gods: a Tale of the Persian Wars

A blockbuster retelling of the Persian Wars from multi-award-winning author of Rubicon and Persian Fire Tom Holland, lavishly illustrated by Jason Cockcroft. "The Persians are coming..." Hearing these words, Gorgo of Sparta is plunged into a dangerous world of vengeful gods and invincible heroes. For a mighty empire threatens Athens, Sparta and all who stand in its path...Calling on the ancient power to transform into a wolf and the blood of Zeus that runs through her veins, Gorgo must lead her nation in one of history's greatest wars. Multi-award-winning author Tom Holland and acclaimed illustrator Jason Cockcroft boldly weave myth and history in this dramatic tale of Greeks and Gods. "A beautiful, immersive work of narrative history to treasure forever." WATERSTONES"A glorious mixture - of history, fiction and thrilling legend, with pictures to swim the Hellespont for." SEBASTIAN FAULKS"The Wolf-Girl, the Greeks and the Gods is a wonder, as beautiful to look at as it is entrancing to read.Jason Cockcroft's illustrations are jaw-dropping, and Tom Holland's prose took me back to my own childhood introductions to these extraordinary mythological worlds in Roger Lancelyn Green's Tales of the Greek Heroes and Leon Garfield's and Charles Keeping's The God Beneath the Sea." FRANK COTTRELL-BOYCE"Tom Holland's masterly interweaving of myth, imagination and deep classical learning makes this an extraordinary treat ... Jason's illustrations are also magnificent, packed with talent and sensitivity ... It reminded me of my own favourite childhood books of Greek myth and The Iliad." AMANDA CRAIG

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Katalógové číslo
The Wolf-Girl, the Greeks and the Gods: a Tale of
Tom Holland
Druh tovaru
270 x 190
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