The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Mitch Albom

GBR Anglicky Little, Brown Book Group2023

Kniha: The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom
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Kniha: The Five People You Meet In Heaven

A STUNNING 20TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION OF THE MASTER STORYTELLER'S INSPIRATIONAL CLASSICEddie no longer notices years passing. He spends his eighty-third birthday fixing the rides at the amusement park where he has worked for most of his life. But when a cart falls from the fairground, Eddie spots a little girl in terrible danger.He rushes to save her and tragically loses his own life in the attempt. When Eddie wakes, he discovers that death is an opportunity to learn about life, and he will have five teachers. Some he knows, while others are strangers.One by one, these individuals visit Eddie, illuminating the mysteries of his 'meaningless' existence and revealing the secret behind the eternal question: 'Why was I here?'__________WHAT READERS SAY ABOUT THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN'Breathtakingly beautiful. A story that will stay with you forever''A beautiful and flawlessly choreographed book . .. No other book may ever compare''One of my favourite books . .. Wonderful, inspirational, and heart-warming! To me, it is a MUST READ!'The book is beyond words . .. Well written, engaging, poignant''This really is a wonderful book. You should read it'

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Katalógové číslo
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Mitch Albom
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
222 x 138 x 22
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