Promises We Meant To Keep

Monica Murphy

GBR Anglicky Penguin Books2023

Kniha: Promises We Meant To Keep - 1. vydanie - Monica Murphy
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Kniha: Promises We Meant To Keep

From the bestselling author of A Million Kisses In Your Lifetime, this is the addictive Lancaster Prep novel about second chances and star-crossed love . . .'The intensity of Spence and Sylvie will pull you under, and their journey together will make you smile, cry, and gasp in shock' 5***** READER REVIEW'Spencer is everything! I laughed, cried and everything in between' 5***** READER REVIEW'Emotionally charged. A heartwrenching and steamy page turner' 5***** READER REVIEW_________Spencer Donato was Sylvie Lancaster's little secret. They fell deeply in love while at Lancaster Prep - where Sylvie's parents ran the school.Their relationship was a whirlwind of passion. But Sylvie committed the ultimate betrayal. And she lost him for good .. . Until one day she runs into him at a wedding.He's older and still unbearably handsome. Their undeniable connection draws them together. But will he trust her again? Or walk away from her forever?_________PRAISE FOR MONICA MURPHY:'Dark, twisty, and utterly enthralling.A page turning blend of combustible chemistry, a strong sassy heroine, dark desires and red-hot steam' 5***** Reader Review'Filled with lies, lust & betrayal . . .The heat is sizzling off the pages' 5***** Reader Review'From start to finish you are hanging onto every single word. For the last 24 hours this book was my entire life. I ate, slept and breathed this story and this couple' 5***** Reader Review'Bold, brazen, depraved, and delicious! Their chemistry is complicated and consuming.A beautiful mess - equal parts twisted and magical' 5***** Reader Review'You get so much red hot chemistry that sizzles off the pages throughout the entire read. I could not get enough of this one' 5***** Reader Review'Intense and fabulously consuming. I loved every heart-pounding, gut-wrenching, over-the-top sexy moment' 5***** Reader Review 'Addictive, angsty and unforgettable .. . their chemistry was explosive' 5***** READER REVIEW

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Katalógové číslo
Promises We Meant To Keep
1. vydanie
Monica Murphy
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
198 x 129 x 26
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Sadzba DPH

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