The Man Who Fell to Earth

Walter S. Tevis

GBR Anglicky Laurence King Publishing

Kniha: The Man Who Fell to Earth - Walter S. Tevis
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Kniha: The Man Who Fell to Earth

Thomas Jerome Newton is an extraterrestrial from the planet Anthea, which has been devastated by a series of nuclear wars, and whose inhabitants are twice as intelligent as human beings. When he lands on Earth - in Kentucky, disguised as a human - it's with the intention of saving his own people from extinction. Newton patents some very advanced Anthean technology, which he uses to amass a fortune.He begins to build a spaceship to help the last 300 Antheans migrate to Earth. Meanwhile, Nathan Bryce, a chemistry professor in Iowa, is intrigued by some of the new products Newton's company brings to the market, and already suspects Newton of being an alien. As Bryce and the FBI close in, Newton finds his own clarity and sense of purpose diminishing.Inspiring adaptations starring David Bowie and Chiwetel Ejiofor, The Man Who Fell To Earth brought Walter Tevis wide recognition and critical acclaim. It was nominated for the Hugo award, and the 1976 film was nominated for the Nebula, Saturn and Hugo awards. 'Beautiful science fiction' - New York Times'This is one of the finest science fiction novels of its period' - J.R.Dunn'Tevis writes . . .with power and poetry and tension' - Washington PostWelcome to The Best Of The Masterworks: a selection of the finest in science fiction

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Katalógové číslo
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Walter S. Tevis
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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