Donna Hay Christmas Feasts and Treats

Kniha: Donna Hay Christmas Feasts and Treats - Donna Hay
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Kniha: Donna Hay Christmas Feasts and Treats

Donna Hay's bestselling classic Christmas Feasts and Treats - now fully revised and updated with many new recipes to make, enjoy and give away - will make your Christmas cooking and entertaining fabulously easy and delicious. Donna Hay takes the stress out of Christmas cooking and entertaining with this must-have collection of over 170 stunning yet simple festive recipes. Featuring all the nostalgic favourites and some fun twists on the classics, this is the only cookbook you need for the festive season.From easy starters to show-stopping mains - including a cheat's glazed ham that doesn't need studding or basting - to dazzling desserts that are sure to impress, and some special edible gifts, these recipes are peppered with Donna's best-ever tricks and shortcuts to make it the most relaxing Christmas yet. You'll also find plenty of beautiful styling tips to add some extra sparkle to the festivities. Also included are step-by-step images to walk you through it all, whether you're attempting a glossy ham, succulent bird, fruity pudding or a shimmering trifle.Or perhaps you want to try your hand at a roast pork with the perfect crackle, a gingerbread wreath or a rocking rocky road?No matter what's on the menu, Christmas Feasts and Treats will give you the confidence to have a very delicious and stress-free Christmas.

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Donna Hay Christmas Feasts and Treats
Donna Hay
Druh tovaru
274 x 223
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