If You Cry Like A Fountain

GBR Anglicky Prentice Hall Press

Kniha: If You Cry Like A Fountain
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Kniha: If You Cry Like A Fountain

A quirky and surprisingly funny picture book about the many practical uses for tears, for fans of Big Feelings. In an attempt to cheer up a sad-looking worm, a narrator makes things worse by causing the worm to cry. But in the process of trying to make the sobbing worm feel better, the narrator starts to think of the various ways tears can be used productively. For example, if you're sad around lunchtime, cry until you fill a pot with your tears and boil pasta -- you won't even need to season with salt! Crying can be used to dilute paint, and with paint, you can make beautiful art. Crying also serves lots of different purposes. Without tears, the rivers would dry up. Clouds would keep getting bigger and bigger. And crying also helps the pears to grow, and with pears, you can make jam. Jam makes people happy, and can help staunch the flow of tears . . . at least until the jam runs out! Join a tearful worm and a bungling narrator as they explore the many uses for tears in this hilarious and quirky picture book by up-and-coming author-illustrator Noemi Vola.

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Katalógové číslo
If You Cry Like A Fountain
Druh tovaru
279 x 196
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Sadzba DPH

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