My Ear at His Heart

Hanif Kureishi

GBR Anglicky Faber & Faber

Kniha: My Ear at His Heart - Hanif Kureishi
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Kniha: My Ear at His Heart

'Hanif Kureishi's literary memoir explores his relationship with his father, a failed writer. Kurieshi is, of course, hugely successful...' EsquireAmongst a batch of papers, Hanif Kureishi discovered an abandoned manuscript - a novel, written by his father. And so begins a journey which takes him through his father's childhood by the sea in India to an adult life in the suburbs of Bromley.My Ear at His Heart offers remarkable insight into Hanif Kureishi's literary calling, coming from the ashes of his father's own attempts years before. 'This is an ambitious book. Kureshi - free-associating with what feels like unmitigated honesty - successfully conveys the impression that in this book he has actually given us himself.' Sunday Times'Deeply involving, highly intelligent and, in what it doesn't say rather than what it does, profoundly sad.' Evening Standard'I don't think he has done anything as good, in any medium, as this moving and fiercely honest book.' Guardian
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Katalógové číslo
My Ear at His Heart
Hanif Kureishi
Druh tovaru
197 x 129 x 19
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