Art Matters

Neil Gaiman

GBR Anglicky Headline Publishing Group

Kniha: Art Matters - Neil Gaiman
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Kniha: Art Matters

Seize the day in the name of art. This creative call to arms from the mind of Neil Gaiman combines his extraordinary words with deft and striking illustrations by Chris Riddell. 'Like a bedtime story for the rest of your life, this is a book to live by.At its core, it's about freeing ideas, shedding fear of failure, and learning that "things can be different" ' INSTITUTE OF IMAGINATION Be bold. Be rebellious. Choose art.It matters. Neil Gaiman once said that 'the world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before'. This little book is the embodiment of that vision.Drawn together from speeches, poems and creative manifestos, Art Matters explores how reading, imagining and creating can change the world, and will be inspirational to young and old. THIS PAPERBACK EDITION INCLUDES BEAUTIFUL NEW ILLUSTRATIONS OF 'GOING WODWO'. What readers are saying about ART MATTERS 'A rallying cry for all artists and creators' 'Just the injection of positive thinking I needed' 'What a gorgeous, sweet and very, very wise little book' 'You don't know it yet, but it's likely you need this book''I feel artistically charged up for the first time in ages'

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Art Matters
Neil Gaiman
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