Trashures The Beauty of Useless Stuff

Anja Brunt;Tineke Meirink

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2016

Kniha: Trashures The Beauty of Useless Stuff - Anja Brunt;Tineke Meirink
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Kniha: Trashures The Beauty of Useless Stuff

Rubbish Rocks! For, whoever has an eye for it, there is beauty in everything, from rubbish to plain useless stuff. Designer Anja Brunt and illustrator Tineke Meirink have always been intrigued by the beauty of the mundane. For BIS Publishers they both made a memory game and now they join forces for a combination celebration and DIY book on rubbish art. The popularity of urban art, recycling, rubbish art, and the whole Make culture gave them the idea for a book that both shows recent works by international artist who work with useless things and gives the reader step-by-step instructions to make their own art work in the spirit of the artists. The book features fifteen international artists who work with rubbish from various countries, showcases some of their projects, and has a DIY spread for a project by every artist. Anja Brunt is a designer who published with BIS the Make a Face Memory Game, which is full of funny faces created with every day materials. Tineke Meirink is an illustrator who created for BIS the Can You See What I See Memory Game, in which she gives a whole new meaning to pictures of everyday objects by adding small sketches to them.
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Katalógové číslo
Trashures The Beauty of Useless Stuff
Anja Brunt;Tineke Meirink
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
20.8 x 27.9 cm
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