Wolfwalkers: Graphic Novel


Kniha: Wolfwalkers: Graphic Novel
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Kniha: Wolfwalkers: Graphic Novel

An enchanting graphic novel about a feud, a friendship, and two girls forever changed. Based on the beautifully hand-crafted animated adventure, WolfWalkers, this graphic novel features an introduction and exclusive original art from film cocreator Tomm Moore and co-Art Director Maria Pareja. Watch the stunning film coming to Apple TV+.On the orders of the Lord Protector Cromwell, Robyn Goodfellowe and her father come to Kilkenny, Ireland, to wipe out the last of the wolves, deemed dangerous beasts, that live in the neighboring forest.Robyn, unable to hunt with her father and sick of being confined within the city walls, decides to sneak out, only to get caught.She's saved by Mebh, a wild girl who lives among the wolves. Mebh and her mother are leading the pack somewhere far away from Kilkenny and the "townies" who threaten them. Mebh introduces Robyn to her way of life, and the two quickly bond over the freedoms of the forest.Robyn soon discovers WolfWalkers, people who can communicate with and turn into wolves. After learning that they aren't to be feared, Robyn decides she must protect Mebh and her pack. But as the lives of the townies and the wolves collide, Robyn's relationship with her father comes to a head when she's transformed into the very thing he is tasked to destroy.This graphic novel makes a great gift for readers of all ages and includes a special introduction, written and illustrated by film cocreator, Tomm Moore, and co-Art Director, Maria Pareja.WolfWalkers is created by Cartoon Saloon, the award-winning Irish studio behind some of the industry's most renowned animated films including Song of the Sea and The Secret of Kells.This title will be simultaneously available in hardcover.   (c) 2020 Wolfwalkers
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Katalógové číslo
Wolfwalkers: Graphic Novel
Druh tovaru
148 x 209 x 20
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