Max Einstein: Saves the Future

Kniha: Max Einstein: Saves the Future - James Patterson
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Kniha: Max Einstein: Saves the Future

James Patterson has teamed up with the world's most famous genius to entertain and inspire a generation of children - with the first and only children's adventure series officially approved by the Albert Einstein archives. Max Einstein is never going to be your average 12-year-old kid. She . on the run from a group of villainstalks to Albert Einsteinspends timesearching for information on her parentssaves the world with the help of her genius friends Totally not ordinary stuff - unless you're Max Einstein! Now Max and her friends are back and ready to take on their biggest problem yet: world hunger. While the Change Makers tackle this huge issue, Max must also avoid the evil Corp and her nemesis, Dr. Zimm.But they're not the only ones looking for Max, and as she finds herself on the run, she discovers that Einstein created a time machine. And it might give her clues to her past - her distant past . .
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Katalógové číslo
Max Einstein: Saves the Future
James Patterson
Druh tovaru
195 x 135 mm
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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