The Midnight Guardians


Kniha: The Midnight Guardians - 1. vydanie
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Kniha: The Midnight Guardians

Sometimes at the darkest hour, hope shines the brightest... When Col's childhood imaginary friends come to life, he discovers a world where myths and legends are real. Accompanied by his guardians - a six-foot tiger, a badger in a waistcoat and a miniature knight - Col must race to Blitz-bombed London to save his sister.But there are darker forces at work, even than the Nazi bombings. Soon Col is pursued by the terrifying Midwinter King, who is determined to bring an eternal darkness down over everything. Praise for The Midnight Guardians"Spectacular.A story of real and rare power - The Midnight Guardians is one of the best books I've read in years." Kiran Millwood Hargrave"The Midnight Guardians is torch-under-the-duvet, can't-stop-reading magic. British folklore rebooted ... in an edge-of-your-seat, heart-filled search for hope in the darkest hour." Piers Torday"Embark on a mythic, comic, classic adventure with the finest fellowship since Frodo set a hairy foot beyond the Shire." David Solomons"Glorious! I think this is Ross Montgomery's best book yet: an adventure across WWII wintry Britain with a Kindertransportee, a boy dressed in shorts and his three imaginary friends.A joy of a joy of a thing." Katherine Rundell"A gem of book, jam-packed with heart and humour and one utterly unique set of friends." Peter Bunzl"Pure magic. Storytelling at its very best." Abi Elphinstone"Brilliant! The Midnight Guardians is the perfect blend of humour, adventure and emotion. Simply beautiful." Lisa Thompson"Funny, thrilling, moving ...everything that is brilliant about children's literature. A triumph." Sophie Anderson"Brimming with imagination and warmth, and powered by the strongest magic of all - hope. Fantastic from first page to last." Catherine Doyle "Beautiful.A magical, big-hearted adventure full of wit and warmth. One of the best children's books I've read for ages." Anna James"A tale of enchantment and friendship ... all the warmth of a timeless story, told between friends round a winter fire ...funny and true in the way all good stories are." Thomas Taylor"The adventure whisks you through wartime trouble and mythical danger like riding a giant tiger through falling snow ... A magical story." Jack Noel "With the spirit of Narnia, but a heart of its own. The Midnight Guardians is totally enchanting.I gobbled up every word." Aisha Bushby"A real triumph of the imagination, blending the appeal of a classic adventure with Montgomery's heart and humour, and a hint of Narnia." Editor's Choice, The Bookseller
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Katalógové číslo
The Midnight Guardians
1. vydanie
Druh tovaru
198 x 129 mm
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Sadzba DPH

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