American Royals

Kniha: American Royals - Katharine McGeeová
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Kniha: American Royals

Crazy Rich Asians meets Gossip Girl in this completely addictive and gloriously fun modern-day royal fairytale . . .Meet the Washingtons - the most scandalous royal family ever!HRH Princess Samantha has always been a royal rebel. She's the spare not the heir, so no one minds too much who she dates or how hard she parties. It helps that her sister, Princess Beatrice, is literally perfect.She's demure, sweet and beautiful, and she knows that the crown always comes first - no matter what her heart might really want. But they're not the only ones with their eye on the throne. Daphne Deighton might be 'newly noble' but she won Prince Jefferson's heart once, and she'll do anything to get back into the court's favour - and his bed.If only she knew that her competition was a common nobody - plain little Nina Gonzalez, the daughter of the king's secretary. Together these four young women must navigate the drama, gossip, scheming and sizzling romance of the most glorious court in the world. There's everything to play for - but there can only be one queen.

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Katalógové číslo
American Royals
Katharine McGeeová
Druh tovaru
130 x 197 mm
U dodávateľa
Doručenie viac ako 18 dní
Sadzba DPH

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