The Washington Decree

Kniha: The Washington Decree - Jussi Adler-Olsen
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Kniha: The Washington Decree

The New York Times and #1 internationally bestselling author of the Department Q series is back, with a terrifyingly relevant stand-alone novel about an America in chaos. A NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLEROVER 18 MILLION COPIES SOLDWINNER OF THE GLASS KEY AWARD"The president has gone way too far.. . .These are practically dictatorial methods we're talking about." When Democratic Senator Bruce Jansen is elected president of the United States, it is a personal victory for Dorothy "Dottie" Rogers. She has secured a job in the White House, has proved to her Republican father that she was right to support Jansen, and is proud to see the rise of an intelligent, inspiring leader who shares her ideals. But the triumph is short-lived: Jansen's pregnant wife is assassinated on election night, and the alleged mastermind behind the shooting is none other than Dottie's own father.When Jansen ascends to the White House, he is a changed man, determined to end gun violence by any means necessary. Rights are taken away as quickly as weapons. Checkpoints and roadblocks destroy infrastructure.The media is censored. Militias declare civil war on the government. The country is in chaos, and Dottie's finds herself fighting for the life of her father, who just may be innocent.
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Katalógové číslo
The Washington Decree
Jussi Adler-Olsen
Druh tovaru
129 x 196 mm
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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