One Day in December

Josie Silverová

GBR Anglicky SLOVART2018 Katalógové číslo: 345681


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Kniha: One Day in December - Josie Silverová

Kniha: One Day in December

'THE SWEETEST LOVE STORY...YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE IT!' MARIAN KEYESPrepare to be swept away by the love story that everyone's talking about this Autumn... Laurie is pretty sure love at first sight doesn't exist. After all, life isn't a scene from the movies, is it? But then, through a misted-up bus window one snowy December day, she sees a man she knows instantly is the one.Their eyes meet, there's a moment of pure magic...and then her bus drives away. Laurie thinks she'll never see the boy from the bus again. But at their Christmas party a year later, her best friend Sarah introduces her to the new love of her life.Who is, of course, the boy from the bus. Determined to let him go, Laurie gets on with her life. But what if fate has other plans?Following Laurie, Sarah and Jack through ten years of love, heartbreak and friendship, ONE DAY IN DECEMBER is an uplifting, heart-warming and immensely moving love story that you'll want to escape into forever, for fans of Jojo Moyes, Lucy Diamond and Nicholas Sparks.'Sucked me in and didn't let go. It made me laugh, cry, ache and shout at the characters. Utterly of my favourite books' Holly Martin'The number one feel-good read of 2018' Dinah Jefferies 'The novelistic equivalent to Love Actually' The Bookseller'The love story you've been waiting for ...I loved it!' Miranda Dickinson'A feel-good, heart-wrenching tribute to the female friends we cannot do without, as well as the men that we fall for. Josie Silver is one to watch.' Stephanie ButlandWHAT REAL READERS ARE SAYING *****'Devastatingly good'Johnny, Netgalley*****'I LOVE LOVE LOVED this book'Vicki, Netgalley***** 'Wow! What a book!'Jen, Netgalley *****'This kept me turning pages long into the night. I'd highly recommend it'Christine, Netgalley*****'I can't wait to reread it over and over'Nikita, Netgalley*****'Beautifully written'Helen, Netgalley*****'I just didn't want this book to end ...I shall be singing its praises from the rooftops'Cassie, Netgalley*****'The perfect book to read this winter'Rebecca, Netgalley *****'I really loved this little gem of a book. I'd recommend it to all'L.J, Netgalley*****'I devoured this book'Amanda, Netgalley*****'I absolutely loved this book!'Jess, Netgalley

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Katalógové číslo
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Rok vydania
One Day in December
Josie Silverová
198 x 129 mm
Sadzba DPH
5,00 %
Cena MOC
10,50 €
8,00 %
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Reg. číslo FPU
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