Diablo Iii: Book Of Tyrael

Kniha: Diablo Iii: Book Of Tyrael
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Kniha: Diablo Iii: Book Of Tyrael

From Blizzard Entertainment, the makers of critically acclaimed games such as Warcraft(r), StarCraft(r), and Diablo(r) comes this exciting companion edition to Diablo III: Book of Cain, giving fans an in-depth look into the mind of Tyrael, a key character of the Diablo universe. One of the most exciting and visceral action role-playing games in recent memory, Diablo(r) has become a worldwide gaming phenomenon. Diablo III: Book of Tyrael takes fans even further into the universe with a detailed and beautifully crafted artifact that focuses on the renowned champion Tyrael. As a former archangel of the High Heavens, he ranks among the most important and influential characters in the Diablo franchise. Here, in this illustrated and comprehensive tome, he reveals never-before-known secrets about the history of the world, the dark threats that yet face mankind, and his decision to join the ranks of humanity as a mortal. Featuring stunning original art throughout, this beautifully illustrated follow-up to Diablo III: Book of Cain will also feature letters from Leah and additional fragments of Cain s writings, all curated by Tyrael as he weaves together a complex and fascinating story for the members of the Horadrim
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Diablo Iii: Book Of Tyrael
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