Hans Christian Andersen Classic Fairy Tales

Kniha: Hans Christian Andersen Classic Fairy Tales
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Kniha: Hans Christian Andersen Classic Fairy Tales

Hans Christian Andersen is one of the world's most popular storytellers, and his fairy tales are among the best-loved works of literature. Hans Christian Andersen: Classic Fairy Tales collects 100 of Andersen's incomparable fairy tales and stories, among them Thumbelina,The Little Match Girl,The Princess and the Pea,The Red Shoes,The Wild Swans and his fantasy masterpiece, The Snow-Queen. The book is abundantly illustrated with more than 100 hundred drawings and colour plates by Dugald Stewart Walker and Hans Tegner, two of Andersen's best-known illustrators. Hans Christian Andersen: Classic Fairy Tales is one of Barnes & Noble's Leatherbound classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in exquisitely designed bonded leather bindings with distinctive gilt edging and an attractive silk-ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for every home library.
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Hans Christian Andersen Classic Fairy Tales
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