Slaughterhouse 5

Kurt Vonnegut jr.

GBR Anglicky Vintage Publishing2024

Kniha: Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut jr.
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Kniha: Slaughterhouse 5

A beautiful hardback edition of a unique book: one of the most funny, moving and brilliant novels of the twentieth century. Billy Pilgrim - hapless barber's assistant, successful optometrist, alien abductee, senile widower and soldier - has become unstuck in time. Hiding in the basement of a slaughterhouse in Dresden, with the city and its inhabitants burning above him, he finds himself a survivor of one of the most deadly and destructive battles of the Second World War.But when, exactly? How did he get here? And how does he get out?Travel through time and space on the shoulders of Vonnegut himself. This is a book about war. Listen to what he has to say: it is of the utmost urgency.'The great, urgent, passionate American writer of our century, who offers us a model of the kind of compassionate thinking that might yet save us from ourselves.' George Saunders'A book to read and reread. He is a true artist' New York Times Book ReviewVINTAGE QUARTERBOUND CLASSICS: Bound to be beautiful

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Katalógové číslo
Slaughterhouse 5
Kurt Vonnegut jr.
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
204 x 138 x 22
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