The Diaries of Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka

GBR Anglicky Penguin Classics

Kniha: The Diaries of Franz Kafka - Franz Kafka
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Kniha: The Diaries of Franz Kafka

An essential new translation of the author’s complete, uncensored diaries — a revelation of the idiosyncrasies and rough edges of one of the twentieth century’s most influential writers'The writing glimmers with sensitivity, and openness to the world' - The Wall Street JournalDating from 1909 to 1923, Franz Kafka’s Diaries contains a broad array of writing, including accounts of daily events, assorted reflections and observations, literary sketches, drafts of letters, records of dreams, and unrevised texts of stories. This volume makes available for the first time in English a comprehensive reconstruction of Kafka’s handwritten diary entries and provides substantial new content, restoring all the material omitted from previous publications — notably, names of people and undisguised details about them, a number of literary writings, and passages of a sexual nature, some of them with homoerotic overtones. By faithfully reproducing the diaries’ distinctive — and often surprisingly unpolished — writing as it appeared in Kafka’s notebooks, translator Ross Benjamin brings to light not only the author’s use of the diaries for literary invention and unsparing self-examination but also their value as a work of genius in and of themselves.

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Katalógové číslo
The Diaries of Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
Druh tovaru
216 x 135
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Sadzba DPH

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