World Without End

Ken Follett

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Kniha: World Without End - Ken Follett
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Kniha: World Without End

The historical saga that has enthralled millions of readers, Ken Follett's Kingsbridge Novels continue with World Without End. A childhood lost. 1327 and four children slip away from the cathedral city of Kingsbridge. It is All Hallow’s Day and their lives are forever changed when they see two men-at-arms killed. At the behest of the man responsible they vow never to speak of it again.A never-forgotten secret.Lives forever entwined, one boy travels the world, one eye always on Kingsbridge; the other becomes a powerful, corrupt nobleman. One girl defies the might of the medieval church; whilst the other pursues an impossible love. As ambition, love, greed and revenge reign, those living under that long-ago day’s fateful shadow wait.A world on the verge of death.But as the Black Plague sweeps Europe, disease reaches England and the city descends into anarchy. In desperate uncertainty for their futures, the four adults know the time must come for the secret to emerge . . .World Without End is followed by the third of Ken Follett's novels, A Column of Fire.More than 175 million copies sold worldwide. Published in over eighty territories and thirty-seven languages. The international No. 1 bestselling phenomenon returns.

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Katalógové číslo
World Without End
Ken Follett
Druh tovaru
197 x 130
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Sadzba DPH

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