A Feather So Black

Lyra Selene

GBR Anglicky Little Brown2024

Kniha: A Feather So Black - 1. vydanie - Lyra Selene
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Kniha: A Feather So Black

'Dark and dangerous and teeming with romance, A Feather So Black is an exhilarating adventure that walks the edge of a blade. Truly enchanting' Rachel Gillig, NYT bestselling author of One Dark WindowThe Cruel Prince meets For the Wolf in a sizzling fantasy romance set in a world of perilous magic and moonlit forests, spinning a seductive tale of a changeling princess, her cursed sister, and the dangerous fae lord she must defeat to save her family.In a kingdom where magic has been lost, Fia is a rare changeling, left behind by the wicked Fair Folk when they stole the High Queen's daughter Eala and locked the gates to the Otherworld.When a hidden gate to the Otherworld is discovered, Fia is tasked by the High Queen to retrieve Eala and break her curse. But she doesn't go alone: with her is prince Rogan, Eala's betrothed and Fia's childhood best friend.As the two journey into a world where magic winds through the roots of the trees and beauty can be a deadly illusion, Fia's mission is complicated by her feelings for the prince. . .and her unexpected attraction to the dark-hearted fae lord holding Eala captive. Irian might be more monster than man, but he seems to understand Fia in a way no one ever has.'Darkly enchanting and beautifully written, A Feather So Black is the perfect mix of atmospheric fantasy, heart-stopping action, and delicious romance' Thea Guanzon, author of The Hurricane Wars'Opulent and scorching, A Feather So Black transcends the genres of romance and fantasy into a tale that is timeless, blood-spattered, and rich with longing and magic' Roshani Chokshi, author of The Last Tale of the Flower Bride 'With a breathtaking, sizzling romance, A Feather So Black weaves a twisted fairy tale of thorns and teeth' K.M. Enright, author of Mistress of Lies 'Lyra Selene's writing is a feast for the senses, made of velvet and wild vines and moonlight.A Feather So Black is sure to lure readers into its glittering world. Just be warned, dear reader: once you enter the revels of these Folk, you'll never want them to end' Ryan Graudin, award winning author of Wolf By Wolf

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Katalógové číslo
A Feather So Black
1. vydanie
Lyra Selene
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
234 x 153
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