The Foxglove King

Hannah Whitten

GBR Anglicky Little Brown2024/02

Kniha: The Foxglove King - 1. vydanie - Hannah Whitten
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Kniha: The Foxglove King

'Hannah Whitten is my new favourite obsession' Jodi Picoult, New York Times-bestselling author'Sinister, deadly and so seductive you won't be able to tear yourself away from this dark gem of a book' Stephanie Garber, New York Times-bestselling authorIn this gilded, gothic, and romantic new epic fantasy series from New York Times-bestselling author Hannah Whitten, a young woman's secret power to raise the dead plunges her into the dangerous world of the Sainted King's royal court.Lore has been living by her wits since she was a child, running poisons for the cartel that took her in, avoiding the attention of the law, and keeping her illicit affinity for death magic a secret. When a job goes wrong and Lore is captured by the Sainted King's warrior-monks, she expects death. But King August has a different plan. Entire villages on the outskirts of the country have been dying overnight, seemingly at random. Lore can either use her magic to find out what's happening - or face the pyre.Thrust into a lavish court where no one can be believed and even fewer can be trusted, Lore must navigate an intricate web of politics, religion, and forbidden romance and solve the King's mystery. A mystery more dangerous and twisted than Lore can even imagine.'The Foxglove King is beautifully written, lushly cinematic, unsettling, mysterious - an unputdownable story' Ali Hazelwood, New York Times-bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis'Dripping with dark opulence and sizzling intrigue, The Foxglove King proves Hannah Whitten is a force to be reckoned with. Never before have I been so completely captivated' Erin A. Craig, New York Times-bestselling author of House of Salt and Sorrows'Darkly sumptuous and beautifully dangerous, The Foxglove King wraps you up in a velvet gown and then holds a knife to your throat' Ava Reid, Sunday Times-bestselling author of The Wolf and the Woodsman'The Foxglove King is a decadent and deadly feast of a novel, brimming with romance, intrigue, and twisted magic' C. L. Herman, New York Times-bestselling author of All of Us Villains 'I am obsessed with this book! Hannah Whitten just keeps getting better and better' Katee Robert, New York Times-bestselling author

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Katalógové číslo
The Foxglove King
1. vydanie
Hannah Whitten
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
196×125×37 mm
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Doručenie viac ako 18 dní
Sadzba DPH

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