Twisted Palace

Kniha: Twisted Palace - Erin Wattová
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Kniha: Twisted Palace

Return to the sensational standout TikTok series, The Royals, in this third instalment, Twisted Palace. From mortal enemies to unexpected allies, two teenagers try to protect everything that matters most. Ella Harper has met every challenge that life has thrown her way.She's tough, resilient, and willing to do whatever it takes to defend the people she loves, but the challenge of a long-lost father and a boyfriend whose life is on the line might be too much for even Ella to overcome. Reed Royal has a quick temper and even faster fists. But his tendency to meet every obstacle with violence has finally caught up with him.If he wants to save himself and the girl he loves, he'll need to rise above his tortured past and tarnished reputation. No one believes Ella can survive the Royals. Everyone is sure Reed will destroy them all.They may be right. With everything and everyone conspiring to keep them apart, Ella and Reed must find a way to unravel all the secrets in their Twisted Palace.

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Katalógové číslo
Twisted Palace
Erin Wattová
Druh tovaru
197 x 128
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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