Iron and Blood

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Kniha: Iron and Blood
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Kniha: Iron and Blood

*WINNER OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON MEDAL FOR MILITARY HISTORY**A DAILY TELEGRAPH BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022*'No one interested in the history of Europe can afford not to read this stupendous book' Simon Heffer, Daily TelegraphIron and Blood is a startlingly ambitious and absorbing book, encompassing five centuries of political, military, technological and economic change to tell the story of the German-speaking lands, from the Rhine to the Balkan frontier, from Switzerland to the North Sea. Wilson's narrative considers everything from weapons development to recruitment to battlefield strategy. Germans' military impact on the rest of Europe has been immense.If there is one constant it has been the sense of being beset by seemingly more powerful enemies - France or Russia or Turkey - and the need to strike a rapid knockout blow to ensure a favourable result. Almost inevitably, this has in practice meant protracted, relentless and often unwinnable wars, and - in 1939-1945 - moral catastrophe. The author of definitive books on the Holy Roman Empire and the Thirty Years War, Peter Wilson has with Iron and Blood written his masterpiece.'Hugely impressive' Richard J. Evans, Times Literary Supplement

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Katalógové číslo
Iron and Blood
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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