Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake

Mazey Eddings

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Kniha: Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake

'Laugh-out-loud funny, filled with joy, as deliciously swoony as it is downright steamy' CHLOE LIESEThe next sizzling and swoonie rom-com from the author of the TikTok-hit A Brush with Love which readers gave FIVE SHINING STARS!'Oh my TOOTH FAIRY!! This book was so much more than I expected and swept me off my feet' 'Swoony, steamy, adorable . . . Read. This. Book. You won't be disappointed. It's a keeper and Mazey Eddings is on my auto-read list forever''There was so much to love about this book . . . Thank you to Mazey Eddings for this romance with its messy, true, and painfully real representation of anxiety . . . We need more books like this in the world'...............................Chaotic, messy and madly in love. Lizzie Blake has made endless mistakes. Kitchen fires, pyramid schemes, you name it, she's done it . . . and made a mess of it too. One mistake she never makes? Risking anything more serious than a one-off hook-up. But after losing yet another bakery job due to her uncontrolled ADHD, she breaks her cardinal rule and has a two-night stand. Once burned, twice shy, Rake has given up on relationships. And feelings. And any form of intimacy for that matter. Two nights with charming, chaotic Lizzie might have him lowering his guard, but then he's heading back to Australia, far away from the surprising feelings that she seems to inspire. But when Lizzie realises she's pregnant, Rake knows he'll do anything to be in his child's life, but emotional vulnerability is off the table. Except everyone makes mistakes, and Lizzie and Rake might have just stumbled upon the best mistake of their lives................................Raves for A Brush with Love!'Blends sweetness, breathless romance, and moments of striking vulnerability' HELEN HOANG'Prepare to smile, laugh, and cry your way through this witty, fast-paced rom-com starring a passionate heroine and a delicious cinnamon roll hero who knows how to love her just right' EVIE DUNMORE'Mazey Eddings stole my heart with this laugh-out-loud funny, almost unbearably cute debut (and she made me care about dentistry)' ROSIE DANAN'A contemporary romance masterpiece . . . The most intoxicating slow burn I've read in ages' RACHEL LYNN SOLOMON'Harper and Dan have my whole heart . . . A Brush with Love is funny and cute while also exploring serious topics, powerfully underscoring the truth that relationships require work, and that happy endings are for everyone' SARAH HOGLE'Tenderly written and oh-so-sexy, A Brush with Love brims with emotional depth, whip-smart banter, and sizzling chemistry' CHLOE LIESE

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Katalógové číslo
Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake
1. vydanie
Mazey Eddings
Druh tovaru
197×130×22 mm
Sadzba DPH

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