The Murder at the Vicarage

Agatha Christie

GBR Anglicky William Morrow & Company

Kniha: The Murder at the Vicarage - Agatha Christie
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Kniha: The Murder at the Vicarage

Now with a beautiful new series look, Agatha Christies first mystery to feature the beloved investigator Miss Marpleas a dead body in a clergymans study proves to the indomitable sleuth that no place, holy or otherwise, is a sanctuary from homicide.

Miss Marple encounters a compelling murder mystery in St. Mary Mead, where under the seemingly peaceful exterior of an English country village lurks intrigue, guilt, deception, and death.

Colonel Protheroe, local magistrate and overbearing landowner is the most detested man in the village. Everyoneeven in the vicarwishes he were dead.And very soon he isshot in the head in the vicars own study. Faced with a surfeit of suspects, only the inscrutable Miss Marple can unravel the tangled web of clues that will lead to the unmasking of the killer.

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Katalógové číslo
The Murder at the Vicarage
Agatha Christie
Druh tovaru
134 x 201
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