How to Butter Toast

Tara Wigley

GBR Anglicky HarperCollins2023

Kniha: How to Butter Toast - Tara Wigley
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Kniha: How to Butter Toast

How to Butter Toast is the antidote to cookbook-overload. In this fun and entertaining recipe book without any recipes, Ottolenghi co-writer Tara Wigley equips you with rhymes and confidence to cook great food instinctively. Melted butter on hot toast and served up on a plate.It seems like nothing, really, could be clearer or more straight. But though, in terms of things required, the number is just two, there is a lot of wiggle room for what there is to do. Cook and author Tara Wigley had been to cookery school, read hundreds of cookbooks and developed recipes for over a decade.Yet she found the fewer the ingredients in a recipe, the more confusion there was about how best to make it. The result is How to Butter Toast, a collection of rhymes that will enlighten and entertain, reassure and ultimately liberate the culinarily confused. The rhymes provide reassuring - and memorable - answers to the culinary conundrums we often face: How long should I boil an egg? What's the best way to crush garlic? How do I make mayonnaise, a martini or indeed the perfect cup of tea? Tara's playful take on these food quandaries seems effortless but belies her knowledgeable and carefully researched approach to cooking.Beautifully packaged with bold and witty illustrations throughout, How to Butter Toast is the perfect gift for cooks of all levels. This is the first book in a series Tara is publishing with Pavilion. 'I can't think of many food authorities who can string together words which are as poignant and profound as they are entertaining and ear-pleasing.' Yotam Ottolenghi 'Fun and wise, Tara manages to capture the kinds of the things we cogitate about - sometimes without even knowing! - and provides reassuring answers to those confusing everyday conundrums.A collection for when you are weary of recipes and cooking, but not of life itself!' Helen Goh 'Gorgeous new book by the lovely Tara Wigley full of useful cooking tips and tricks for so many different everyday meals and very tastefully done in gentle rhyme form! Love the uniqueness of this gorgeous little guide, great for family cooking, too!' Sabrina Ghayour 'Those who have followed her ditties on Insta since Lockdown will be delighted, but the detail, the skill, the @ballymaloecookeryschool training, the years as co-writer with Yotam at @ottolenghi will save serious cooks a fortune in cookery school fees. How she manages to explain chemistry in rhyme is little short of genius.' Gilly Smith 'In just a couple of hours reading it, I feel l've learned more than from reading dozens of recipes. It's something to dip into and return to with delight.A lovely kitchen companion.' Bee Wilson 'Tara's new book which is bound to be brilliant. Can't wait to read it over martinis and poached eggs (probs not together).' Angela Clutton

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Katalógové číslo
How to Butter Toast
Tara Wigley
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
227 x 162 x 10
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