I'm Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy

Anna Milbourne

GBR Anglicky Usborne Publishing

Kniha: I'm Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy - Anna Milbourne
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Kniha: I'm Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy

This little girl sometimes finds it very hard to say hello. She struggles going into groups or parties and is very scared of starting a new school. However, when she shares her feelings, she learns that everyone feels shy sometimes - even her exuberant big brother! Shyness is just a feeling that will pass.This realization enables her to begin to find her own way to deal with new situations. She can just watch and listen until she is ready to join in. And nervous butterflies she feels on her first day? They help her pay attention - and notice children who might become wonderful new friends! The believable characters, busy scenes and ingenious holes in the pages make this a helpful, heartwarming story that young children can relate to.It's a perfect book to help children cope with feeling shy.

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Katalógové číslo
I'm Feeling (a Little Bit) Shy
Anna Milbourne
Druh tovaru
296 x 235
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Sadzba DPH

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