Witches Get Stuff Done

GBR Anglicky Sourcebooks Casablanca

Kniha: Witches Get Stuff Done
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Kniha: Witches Get Stuff Done

"Amid magical shenanigans in charming Starfall Point, this book might just have you laughing out loud." -Hazel Beck, author of Big Little Spells and Small Town, Big MagicJuggling newfound witchy powers, a house full of ghosts, and verbal battles with the handsome local librarian is almost too much for a new witch to manage. A new witch with a coven, however, can get so much more done... From the moment Riley Everett set foot in Starfall Point, magic bubbled inside of her.But with only her late aunt's journals and a cantankerous live-in ghost butler to instruct her on all things witchy-including her newly inherited Victorian haunted house-Riley seeks out a coven for sisterhood and support. The last person she expects to be drawn to is the town's frustrating, yet ridiculously attractive head librarian. Edison Held knows almost everything there is to know about Starfall Point, but Shaddow House was always off-limits, thanks to its elusive owner.If he can convince the new owner, Riley, to let him take a peek inside, there's so much he could learn. But as he gets closer to Riley, he's fascinated by her dazzling wit and fiery spirit. Edison will do whatever he can to help Riley keep her family legacy alive, especially if it means spending more time with the captivating new witch in town.Bestselling author Molly Harper wields a magical pen in this hilarious, delightful witchy romcom perfect for readers of The Ex Hex and Payback's a Witch.

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Katalógové číslo
Witches Get Stuff Done
Druh tovaru
210 x 140
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Sadzba DPH

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