The Cat Who Taught Zen

GBR Anglicky Michael Joseph

Kniha: The Cat Who Taught Zen
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Kniha: The Cat Who Taught Zen

Pre-order the latest beautifully illustrated tale from the bestselling author of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon, the story of a cat who taught zen... __________Following the phenomenal international success of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon and The Journey, James Norbury's latest book introduces readers to a very special cat on a remarkable adventure. "I've learnt that what we want is seldom what we need, and what we need is almost never what we want"This is the tale of a cat who longed for peace, acceptance, and a way to make sense of the world.. . One day he hears of a solitary ancient pine, deep in the maple forests that shroud the valley, under the boughs of which infinite wisdom can be found.So begins a journey of discovery, and along the way he meets a vivid cast of animals, from a curious hare to a chattering monkey, a tiresome tortoise to a terrifying tiger, each with their own stories to tell. But it is only through a surprise encounter with a playful kitten that he realizes the journey has never been about a tree. .. Told in a gentle, calming style, The Cat Who Taught Zen introduces a new cast of characters for readers of all ages to fall in love with, offering timeless wisdom wrapped up into a tale of beguiling beauty. __________

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Katalógové číslo
The Cat Who Taught Zen
Druh tovaru
236 x 192
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Sadzba DPH

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