The One and Only Ruby

Kniha: The One and Only Ruby - Katherine Applegate
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Kniha: The One and Only Ruby

From beloved powerhouse author Katherine Applegate comes The One and Only Ruby, starring the adorable baby elephant from the Newbery Medal-winning modern classic The One and Only Ivan and its bestselling sequel, The One and Only Bob. Ruby's story picks up a few months after the events of The One and Only Bob. Now living in a wildlife sanctuary, Ruby's caretaker from the elephant orphanage in Africa where she grew up is visiting.Seeing him again brings back a flood of memories both happy and sad of her life before the circus, and she recounts the time she spent in the African savannah to Ivan and Bob. In the timeless way that only Katherine Applegate could craft, this highly anticipated novel in verse is the perfect mix of heartfelt and humorous, poignant and sweet. Don't miss the film adaptation of The One and Only Ivan, now streaming on Disney+!

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Katalógové číslo
The One and Only Ruby
Katherine Applegate
Druh tovaru
213 x 573
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Sadzba DPH

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