The Book of Goose

Li Yiyun

GBR Anglicky Fourth Estate

Kniha: The Book of Goose - Li Yiyun
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Kniha: The Book of Goose

'A dazzling, subtle, skilful knockout - I loved it' Charlotte Mendelson 'One of our finest living authors ... propulsively entertaining' New York Times 'Wonderfully strange and alive' Jon McGregor A propulsive, seductive new novel about friendship, exploitation and intimacy from the prize-winning author of Where Reasons End Fabienne is dead. Her childhood best friend, Agnes, receives the news in America, far from the French countryside where the two girls were raised - the place that Fabienne helped Agnes escape ten years ago.Now, Agnes is free to tell her story. As children in a backwater town, they'd built a private world, invisible to everyone but themselves - until Fabienne hatched the plan that would change everything, launching Agnes on an epic trajectory through fame, fortune, and terrible loss. A dark, ravishing tale winding from the rural provinces to Paris, from an English boarding school, to the quiet Pennsylvania home where Agnes can live without her past.The Book of Goose is a story of intimacy and obsession, friendship and rivalry perfect for fans of Elena Ferrante, Ottessa Moshfegh and Kamila Shamsie. 'Beguiling ... A shimmering, unsettling tale of exploitation and manipulation' Daily Mail 'Brilliant ...A novel of deceptions and cruelty' Spectator 'For all its surface lushness, this is a novel of meticulous philosophical inquiry...resonant with echoes of... My Brilliant Friend, as well Elizabeth Strout... electrifying' Observer

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Katalógové číslo
The Book of Goose
Li Yiyun
Druh tovaru
198 x 129
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