
Terry Pratchett

GBR Anglicky Puffin

Kniha: Nation - Terry Pratchett
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Kniha: Nation

Widely thought of as the best book Terry Pratchett ever wrote, this is a story of a Nation, a story of a friendship, a story of growing up and the truths we must learn. It is epic in every sense . .. Prepare for the world to be turned upside down . .. For Mau, halfway between boy and man, it happens when a great wave destroys his entire village. For Daphne, it's when the same wave crashes her ship into the island that was once Mau's home.Everything they once had is now so far away, lost to distance and time. But when Daphne stops trying to shoot Mau (she did apologise for it), and instead uses a salvaged invitation card to invite him to tea, they discover a new home can be theirs. And then people start arriving on the island - some very good, some very bad.And it's soon clear that Daphne and Mau must fight for their Nation. Then a discovery is made that will change the entire world forever . .

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Katalógové číslo
Terry Pratchett
Druh tovaru
205 x 136
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