The Tale of Toxic Positivity

GBR Anglicky Harper Collins

Kniha: The Tale of Toxic Positivity
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Kniha: The Tale of Toxic Positivity

The author of the hit parody The Panda, the Cat and the Dreadfully Teddy draws on the simple, idyllic world of Beatrix Potter to shed light on some of the most pertinent issues of our time. Beatrix, a refined and gentle lady, decides to relocate to the countryside to escape the chaotic city and exorbitant house prices of London, in search of a simpler, more holistic life. Looking forward to painting cute rural animals and writing stories about their charming ways, she desires nothing more than to surround herself with nature and to practice mindfulness and kindness.But after months spent in isolation during 'hibernation', all the local wildlife emerge grumpy, sweary and having forgotten all their social skills - Jemima Puddleduck has even been cancelled. Will Beatrix's new small garden and spare room make all this aggro worth it?

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Katalógové číslo
The Tale of Toxic Positivity
Druh tovaru
134 x 182
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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