The Bridge Kingdom

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Kniha: The Bridge Kingdom

'Do not walk to pick up this book. Run' Jennifer L. Armentrout, bestselling author of From Blood and AshRaised as a warrior, Princess Lara knows two things.King Aren of the Bridge Kingdom is her enemy and that she must be the one to bring him to his knees. The Bridge Kingdom is the only route through a storm-ravaged world, and it uses its power to deprive its enemies, including Lara's homeland. When she's sent to be King Aren's bride, Lara will do whatever it takes to bring down the kingdom's defences, even if it means seducing her new husband.Yet as she learns more about the war to possess the bridge, Lara's feelings for Aren transform from hostility to passion. And she faces a terrible dilemma: which kingdom to save and which to destroy. PRAISE FOR THE BRIDGE KINGDOM SERIES'Exquisite, phenomenal and sexy' Olivia Wildenstein, USA Today bestselling author of Feather'An epic, action-packed tale of love, revenge, and betrayal' Jennifer Estep, New York Times bestselling author of Kill the QueenHeart-pounding romance and intense action wrapped in a spellbinding world.I was hooked from the first page! Elise Kova, USA Today bestselling author of A Deal with the Elf KingPRAISE FOR DANIELLE L. JENSEN'Richly-woven, evocative and absolutely impossible to put down . .. I loved every word' Sarah J. Maas bestselling author of, A Court of Thorns and Roses'Stellar world-building and multidimensional characters' Kirkus'Stunning world-building, a vivid cast of secondary characters, and a steamy slow-burn romance' Bookist

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The Bridge Kingdom
1. vydanie
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198 x 129
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Doručenie viac ako 18 dní
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