Fen, Bog and Swamp

Annie Proulx

GBR Anglicky Fourth Estate

Kniha: Fen, Bog and Swamp - Annie Proulx
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Kniha: Fen, Bog and Swamp

'A subject that could not be more important. A compact classic!' Bill McKibben'A moving elegy and cri de cœur for our world's wetlands. I learned something new - and found something amazing - on every page' Anthony Doerr, author of All the Light We Cannot SeeFrom Pulitzer Prize winner Annie Proulx - whose novels are infused with her knowledge and deep concern for the earth - comes an urgent and riveting history of wetlands, their ecological role and how the loss of them threatens the planet.Fens, bogs, swamps and marine estuaries are the earth's most desirable and dependable resources, and in four illuminating parts Proulx documents the emergence of their systemic destruction in the pursuit of profit and the consequent release of their stored carbon.Wide-ranging and idiosyncratic, Proulx's explanation of wetlands takes readers to the fens of sixteenth-century England, Canada's Hudson Bay Lowlands, Russia's Great Vasyugan Mire and America's Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge and introduces the nineteenth-century explorers who launched the ravaging of the Amazon rainforest.Proulx was born in the 1930s, a time, as she says, when 'in the ever-continuing name of progress, Western countries busily raped their own and other countries of minerals, timber, fish and wildlife.' Fen, Bog & Swamp is both a revelatory history and an urgent plea for wetland reclamation from a writer whose passionate devotion to observing and preserving the environment is on glorious display.

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Katalógové číslo
Fen, Bog and Swamp
Annie Proulx
Druh tovaru
159 x 215
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