Timelines of World History

GBR Anglicky DK

Kniha: Timelines of World History
Katalógové číslo: 433511 viac »

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Kniha: Timelines of World History

Packed with illustrations and fascinating facts, this book tells the story of the events that shaped our world. From the origins of the first humans to the political turmoil of the 21st century, Timelines of World History brings the key milestones of world history vividly to life, explaining each of them through contemporary artworks, photographs, documents, maps, and artefacts. This inclusive exploration of human history takes readers on a journey around the world and through the ages, from the emergence of the first cities in Mesopotamia, through China's Golden Age, to the Industrial Revolution, right through to the key events of the last 100 years, such as the Cold War and the impact of the Internet.Selected images are showcased and analyzed, providing a detailed look at the stories of past events, while short profiles and mini-timelines tell you everything you need to know about the key people, scientific and technological breakthroughs, political and cultural movements, and milestone developments that altered the course of history. Whether you're a history enthusiast or a casual reader, Timelines of World History will give you a compelling window into the past.

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Katalógové číslo
Timelines of World History
Druh tovaru
261 x 216
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