And Now For The Good News...

Ruby Wax

GBR Anglicky Penguin Books2021

Kniha: And Now For The Good News... - Ruby Wax
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Kniha: And Now For The Good News...

'This book couldn't be more needed right now!' Nigella Lawson'Ruby has a uniquely vibrant and clever way of thinking' Elizabeth Day 'The antidote to all Covid angst' Kathy Lette___________________________Bestselling author and comedian, Ruby Wax, uses her iconic wit and expertise to equip readers with a positive roadmap for a kinder, brighter world and better mental health. As we begin to see the green shoots of a post-pandemic world, Ruby Wax's clever and witty And Now for the Good News is the blueprint we all need for achieving a kinder, more compassionate world. Brimming with practical learnings, Ruby gives readers the opportunity to create lasting positive change and provides us all with a much-needed tonic for better mental health and wellbeing.She has spent the last three years speaking to the people who are spearheading the latest innovation and influencing a brighter future for humanity. From the communities being designed to eradicate loneliness and the companies putting their employees' happiness first, to the impressive AI technology teaching children with learning difficulties and taking literacy levels higher than ever before. And Now for the Good News distils her inspiring findings into key practical takeaways for all.Ruby's here to provide us all with a positive roadmap for a brighter world and most importantly, for better mental wellbeing. ___________________________'A fantastic tonic for the universal malaise' Ian McKellen 'Ruby can always be guaranteed to lift your spirits!' Annie Lennox

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Katalógové číslo
And Now For The Good News...
Ruby Wax
Druh tovaru
Rok vydania
198 x 129 x 16
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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