Curate : Inspiration for an Individual Home

GBR Anglicky Mitchell Beazley

Kniha: Curate : Inspiration for an Individual Home
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Kniha: Curate : Inspiration for an Individual Home

***"This gorgeous book marries inspirational ideas with real interiors, to help you curate a home that reflects your personal story and style." Kate Watson-Smyth of Mad About The House"Helpfully divided into eight key elements that bring a space to life, this beautifully photographed book by Australian interior designer Gardener and journalist Heath, makes the perfect accompaniment to a house refresh." Elle Decoration "A paradise for the curious, Lynda and Ali present an interior perspective so cosy that you already feel you live there. Textural spaces cleansed in monochromatic hues - with ideas that invite your imagination to consider home and collections in a new light." Martyn Thompson - Designer, Photographer, Creative Director'The images are stylish, elegant and inspiring - and you don't need big spaces or big bank balances to achieve their irresistible modern rustic ambience.' Sunday ExpressDoyenne of the unique and decorative, Australian interior stylist and boutique hotelier, Lynda Gardener, is always on the hunt for finds to enhance her homes and decorating projects. Her ability to curate and display these personal treasures has created a trademark style that is loved internationally.Curate, the highly anticipated book by creative duo, Lynda Gardener and journalist and stylist Ali Heath, reveals how to create a home that is truly individual. With their shared love of a monochrome aesthetic and natural imperfections, they explore the eight Elements that bring a space to life: palette, nature, textiles, lighting, a combination of old and new, storage, collections and art. Ten aspirational homes show the style in practice, including a converted warehouse, one-bedroom studio, bijoux apartment, historic cottage, country estate, new-build barn, remote shack, period townhouse and rural retreat.With gloriously evocative photography and plenty of down-to-earth ideas, Curate will encourage the reader to embrace their individual style, dream big and create a timeless interior of their own.
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Katalógové číslo
Curate : Inspiration for an Individual Home
Druh tovaru
222 x 289 mm
Sadzba DPH

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