
Kniha: Manifesto - Bernardine Evaristo
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Kniha: Manifesto

The powerful, urgent manifesto on never giving up from Booker prize-winning trailblazer, Bernardine EvaristoBernardine Evaristo's 2019 Booker win - the first by a Black woman - was a revolutionary moment both for British culture and for her. After three decades as a trailblazing writer, teacher and activist, she moved from the margins to centre stage, taking her place in the spotlight at last. Her journey was a long one, but she made it, and she made history.MANIFESTO is Bernardine Evaristo's intimate and inspirational, no-holds-barred account of how she did it, refusing to let any barriers stand in her way. She charts her creative rebellion against the mainstream and her life-long commitment to the imaginative exploration of 'untold' stories. And drawing deeply on her own experiences, she offers a vital contribution to current conversations around social issues such as race, class, feminism, sexuality and aging.This is a unique book about staying true to yourself and to your vision. It's about how to be unstoppable - in your craft, your work, your life. It is Bernardine Evaristo's manifesto for never giving up.'Bernardine Evaristo is one of those writers who should be read by everyone, everywhere.' Elif Shafak'Bernardine Evaristo is one of Britain's best writers, an iconic and unique voice, filled with warmth, subtlety and humanity. Exceptional' Nikesh Shukla'Bernardine Evaristo is the most daring, imaginative and innovative of writers' Inua Ellams

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Katalógové číslo
Bernardine Evaristo
Druh tovaru
222 x 138
Sadzba DPH

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