Cobble Hill

Kniha: Cobble Hill - Cecily von Ziegesarová
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Kniha: Cobble Hill

From the author of GOSSIP GIRL comes this funny, fresh story about four messed-up families trying to hold it together - and hold on to each other - while their lives go up in flames... -----In the eclectic Brooklyn neighbourhood of Cobble Hill, the lives of four married couples and their children are about to flip from complicated to combustible... Mandy is so underwhelmed by motherhood that she's faking a debilitating disease to get the attention of her ex-boyband celebrity husband Stuart.There's the unconventional new school nurse, Peaches, who Stuart secretly has a crush on, and her disappointing husband Greg, who wears noise-cancelling headphones - everywhere. A few streets away, Roy, a well-known British novelist, has lost his way with his next novel - and his marriage to Wendy, who knows exactly where she's going. Around the corner, Tupper struggles to salvage his career and to pin down his elusive artist wife Elizabeth.She remains...elusive. Throw in two hormonal teenagers, a ten-year-old pyromaniac and a lot of hidden cameras, and Cobble Hill becomes an explosive mix of egos, desires and secrets. Let the neighbours gossip...What's the worst that can happen?-----'Surprisingly tender . . .breezy, witty, and compulsively fun to read' Kirkus Reviews'Calling all Gossip Girl lovers: get another dose of the drama with this new book that follows four families in a trendy Brooklyn neighbourhood' Good Housekeeping
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Katalógové číslo
Cobble Hill
Cecily von Ziegesarová
Druh tovaru
153 x 232 mm
Sadzba DPH

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